About Us
Shreeji Aqua Treatment Pvt. Ltd. is a reputed company in India, working as a manufacturer, exporter and service provider since many years. Our company is actively taking part in bettering environmental conditions by offering advanced water and air treating solutions. Our Poly Aluminium Chloride, Polyelectrolyte Powder, Sludge Dewatering Treatment Plant, Effluent treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, Water Treatment plants, O & M services or AMC services and a host of other products are premium in quality and render complete investment worthy results. We are also respected for rendering Stack Monitoring And Analysis Services, Noise Monitoring Analysis Services, Municipal Solid Waste Management and other services. We have in-house research and development facilities for testing and producing products in the best manner.
Our Vision
To better quality of living by serving environment benefiting solutions.
Our Mission
To innovate new and better products each day and impress clients.
Quality Policy & Compliance
Our diverse range of products such as Hydrated Lime, Poly Aluminium Chloride, Effluent Treatment Plant, and many more are in compliance with ISO 45001:2018 (OHSAS), ISO/IE 17025:2004 (NABL), ISO 9001:2008, and MoEF CC standards. We are enhancing our customers satisfaction and contentment by bringing forth completely quality assured line of products. Our line of chemicals is tested on the basis of their formulation, consistent and accuracy. While our advanced water treatment systems are tested on the basis of their structure and functionality
Our Valuable Clients
Shreeji Aqua Treatment Pvt. Ltd. is trusted by market renowned companies, a few of which are bulleted below:
Alfa Laval India Ltd.
- AMUL Dairy,
Kaira District Coop. Milk producers Union Ltd.
- Army 512
- ATE enterprises
Pvt. Ltd.
- Atlas Copco
India Ltd.
- Bajaj Auto ltd
Chakan , Akurdi, Aurangabad
- Bharat Forge
- Bhushan Steel
- Bosch Chassis
System India Ltd.
- Cargill Foods
India Ltd.
- Crompton
Greaves Ltd.
- DOW corning
India Pvt. Ltd.
- Emcure
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. & Group Companies
- ESSAR Steel
- Forbes Marshall
Pvt. Ltd.
- Foundation for
Liberal And Management Education
- Garware
Wallropes Ltd. & Garware Bestrech Ltd.
- Godrej Boyce Mfg. Ltd. (Lawkim)
- Jindal Group "Maharashtra Seamless Ltd.
- Kores India Ltd.
JBM MA Automotive Pvt. Ltd.
- Kalyani Hayes
Lemmerz Ltd.
- KSB Pumps Ltd.
- LG Electronics
India Pvt. Ltd.
- Loreal India
Pvt. Ltd.
- Mahindra &
Mahindra Ltd.
- Mahindra
Forgings Ltd.
- Mahindra
Hinoday Industries Ltd.
- Mahindra Ugine
Steel Co. Ltd. (MUSCO)
- Mahindra
Vehicle Manufacturing Ltd.
- National
Chemical Laboratory
- Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corpora
- Ranbaxy
Laboratories Ltd.
- Raymonds Woolen
outwear Ltd.
- Sandvik Asia
- Syntel
International Pvt. Ltd.
- Tata Motors
- Tessitura Monti
(I) Pvt. Ltd.
- Weber
Hydraulics India Pvt. Ltd.
- Whirlpool of India Ltd.